1. _Dani_ avatar

    qdo entrei aqui só tinha uns 4 comentários, e agora.... HUAHUAHUA

    everybody is going crazy

  2. Natty Ferreira avatar

    Natalia, É verdade! Mas eu tentei... rsrs

  3. Ross B (rousanel) avatar

    Si ellos supieran lo q es ir a llevar las carpetas a cadivi y esperar todo este tiempo para q te digan que se tienen 400 $ aprobados para comprar por internet no nos hacen esto =(

  4. Leticia Malaman avatar

    QUE saia dia 03/01 urruullllL

    Valeu Jenn, Eddie, e Matt

  5. Viviane Albuquerque avatar

    We were told we would get dates and times today, give us the specifics, I don't know if you guys know but here is summer now, everybody is on vacation people want to travel with their families and else.

    Making people stay at home in front of a computer because you can't give dates and they are afraid to lose their chance on getting VIP to see their idols is not the best move.

    We need specifics, if you don't have them don't start throwing bones! [3]

  6. renata oliveira avatar

    "Hey South America! VIP onsale dates and times will be announced tomorrow afternoon. #bsbsouthamericanparty!"

    DATES AND TIMES!!! [2]

    Stop play with us!

    Todas deveriamos boicotar os VIPS pela palhaçada que estao fazendo com a gnt !

    nunca pensei que fosse dizer isso.

  7. Val Moreno Hudak avatar

    GRACIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Es lo mejor que pudieron haber hecho! ;)

  8. Natalia Villa avatar

    Naty, eu vi no seu twitter.. não adianta mesmo implorar.. Só ano que vem eles vão dar as datas...

  9. Priscila mclean avatar

    its not fair ithink you really mean..............................its not fairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mean......................

  10. camila_j avatar

    "Hey South America! VIP onsale dates and times will be announced tomorrow afternoon. #bsbsouthamericanparty!"