1. Andrea Carter avatar

    Que chupa medias... loco!, hace unas horas lo querían matar a eddi y estaban enojadas con los responsables de la información y ahora le dicen hayyyy, feliz navidad, jeje perdón y etc... bla bla bla, chicas, esto es el mundo del revés nos volvimos locas o que?, en lugares anteriores a este estaban todas enojadas y ahora les agarro el cagazo y están todas hay perdón bla bla bla, yo sostengo lo que dije y no me da miedo, solo digo que nos definamos de una buena vez.
    O pedimos todas perdón y nos metemos la calentura por donde nos quepa y el orgullo también o seguimos firmes en decir que esta mal lo que hacen?.
    Las entradas las van a vender en enero, pero la info cuando la van a poner???, en estas fechas, abran los ojos vamos a tener que seguir haciendo vigilia y sin retomar nuestras vidas normales.

  2. Andreina avatar

    Hey Eddie, i understand your point but Flor is from Venezuela and we have a singular situation about our system to get dollars so, it's no easy for us.. We can´t "save money", 'we only have 400 dollars annual. I know it is not your problem but venezuelan fans have problems because that.

    But anyway, as i said before i understand your point and of course you deserve your holiday like all of us so, wish you a Merry Christmas, hope you have a great time with your family and friends ;)

  3. Anto Littrell avatar

    one thing i will pass the christmas more relax if i have a sc in my hand ahahah

  4. Anto Littrell avatar

    hey i have written smth here and doesnt post it ahahah..

  5. Lucy Vargas avatar

    ai graças! Adorei isso! Assim podemos passar natal e ano novo sem se preocupar!

    I just loved that! Now we can all enjoy the holidays without the drama of VIP packages!

  6. Taty Rodrigues avatar

    Thanks so much Eddie is great in January

  7. Bruna  Santos avatar

    Bruna diz: Meninas vamos manter a cauma pelo menos agora temos uma previsão de quando vai começar as vendas ,que todos tenha um otimo Natal e um Prospero Ano novo fiquem com Deus e até Janeiro.

  8. tatibsb22 avatar

    Eddie thanks for thinking about Venezuelan fans now we can a chance to get our dollars and buy our passes !!!

    we wait for you guys with open arms !!!!!!!!

    No problem Angie Carter17 ;)

  9. camila_j avatar

    I'm gonna travel in January, no internet acess. How this can not be stressful? And I have no one that can buy for me.


  10. Liliana avatar

    Thanks Eddy, I just said before, thanks for information and for be so cool with South America. I love date January give me a chance wih my dollars