1. Sara FracKaotic avatar

    Una pena para las que vayan

  2. Jerriann avatar

    Disorganized in the fact that they took so long to release themes...nothing is ever for sure until last minute..and now there is no pre-cruise YET they are STILL doing after parties after the concerts...makes a lot of sense. And now to find out there is more than likely not going to be black lights at the neon theme after I have been trying for weeks to get someone to answer me from their pages...and because I got no answer I went ahead and bought my outfit which NEEDS black light...

  3. sabela avatar

    NO hay DERECHO!! Si lo se no voy al crucero.OS IMPORTAMOS UN PITO.Teníais que haber avisado antes,ya que la gente ha comprado el billete de avion,ha gastado mas noches de hotel y etc...pensando en la pre-party, que es a lo que nos tenéis acostumbradas,ya que el crucero ahora solo son tres días y la gente que viene de lejos hace muchos sacrificios por venir. En fin.....

  4. AJMcLeans_honey avatar

    I don't understand why everyone is saying the cruise is so disorganized...?