1. MARIANA @babsloka avatar


    Unfortunatelly I cannot go to the cruise anymore... so I'm selling my spot for U$ 1,228.00 + U$ 100.00 that you have to pay to Rose tours to have the name changed.

    It is a double cabin: 4D (U147) and I got a really low reservation number, it's the #44... which means that you will have good seats for the concerts and games during the cruise.

    If you are interested, please e-mail me ASAP: [email protected]

    The price can be negotiable.

  2. Djéssica avatar

    ... And the Pre-cruise Event?!?!?!?!?!?
    ... and the THEEEEEEEEEMES?!

  3. Sway_Shay avatar

    We need to plan and shop if needed, please tell us soon! :(

  4. Djéssica avatar

    Quanta lerdeza... ;/

  5. Layze avatar

    Say something. When you will tell us the themes? A date, at least.

  6. Layze avatar

    Why are you make us wait so long? You know the results, please tell us. We need to plan.

  7. luz_mdq avatar

    it's time for you to tell us something about this...come on! We need time to go shopping

  8. RE_MCLEAN_CARTER avatar

    I can't wait !! Please announce the themes so that I can go shopping !

  9. RE_MCLEAN_CARTER avatar

    My guys where are the results? hello? anyone?

  10. Layze avatar

    Come on guys, let us know the results!