1. eddie avatar

    all of them were sent out in time to arrive by christmas, the only issue that could come up is international and NOT UPS. UPS and DOMESTIC should have no issues :)

    You can check tracking numbers under accounts and then orders...

  2. AngelaDam87 avatar

    @Amanda - I ask the same thing too. You know what im assuming we would get them before the holidays even if we chose USPS because they did promise the first 500 customers that. USPS was also the shipping method i chose. For us paying extra shipping? I dont think we should, cause technically its them who received the calendar late to ship out. But hopefully ordering by USPS we get them before christmas as well, Or i guess their promise would be broken =P

  3. Amanda avatar

    Does anyone know if you are getting the calendar shipped through USPS if we will have them by christmas? they did promise us the first 500 would have them in time for christmas and then someone said something about e-mailing groundctrl and they said they would have them shipped for xmas and up the shipping if need be. Now if they have upped the shipping on them do the people who were using USPS have the pay for the extra shipping or what.

  4. Amanda avatar

    Does anyone know if you are getting the calendar shipped through USPS if we will have them by christmas? they did promise us the first 500 would have them in time for christmas and then someone said something about e-mailing groundctrl and they said they would have them shipped for xmas and up the shipping if need be. Now if they have upped the shipping on them do the people who were using USPS have the pay for the extra shipping or what.

  5. Planetmanu avatar

    My order said fullfilled too :)
    Looking forwrad to get my calendar....

    It's no big deal if i don't get it before Christmas, it will be here by January

  6. nicole avatar

    i ordered mine on 11-23 and cant find my order info anywhere i got an email after i ordered but it was blank and all i have is my statement showing where the money was taken off my card so if anyone can help me figure this out, thanks.

  7. Sarah avatar

    Mine says fulfilled as well!

    I didn't ask for the extra-speedy shipping. I figured I'd get it in time for the new year anyway... Hopefully I do!

    So excited to see it!

  8. AngelaDam87 avatar

    So my order says fulfilled! YAY!!
    but im curious, for the ones who order within the 500 to have them received by the holidays, did they ship it in a certain way? so we can get them on time? if so does that mean people who chose different shipping methods spent more money for no reason?

  9. JuLie_Bsb avatar

    @Daniel Bueno tienes que saber ingles basico..y tener tarjeta y lo compras aqui en el FC ... avisame si quieres que te ayude :)

  10. JuLie_Bsb avatar

    @Daniel bueno necesitas saber lo basico..pues tienes que comprarlo por aqui...tener tarjeta de credito y listo :)