1. Ana Karen =) avatar

    wow, pretty pricey :(

  2. Kelly avatar

    40 Bucks for a Calendar? I'm sure...

  3. alekrter avatar


  4. MooMooSaurus avatar

    what happens if the calenders get back ordered and dont get shipped out until march or april?? do u get a discount for the months u missed of the year!?!?

    hahaha ;)

  5. Bsbforeverfan avatar

    Ordered mine~ I have no will power LOL!!!! I can't wait to get mine!!!!!

  6. kroonmaki avatar

    By the way, i`m from holland and the comment was for RoksGoldenSmile, but feel free to answer me! Maybe you can help me! :)

  7. kroonmaki avatar

    That comment was for RoksGoldenSmile, but feel free for answering me! :):):)

  8. kroonmaki avatar

    Hey! I want to order it aswell, but i`m waiting for the little preview! I was wondering, if i buy it and send it trough USPS (wich is much cheaper), do i still get my calender? Or does it just take longer to get it? Cause if i buy it trough worldwide post, then i have to pay almost 50 euro, and trough UPSP 30 euro! And for 30 euro i want to buy it! How much did you payed for it? Thanx!

  9. Cody avatar

    $40 bucks is steep as hell. What about a Black Friday discount lol!!! I've noticed that a lot with BSB merchandise lately, it just keeps increasing in price drastically and I know they aren't as popular anymore and so they can't sell stuff cheap because not a lot of people are buying there stuff. It's kind of a shame they are doing their fans like this. I'm not trying to kill anyone's party who bought one and I really hope you like the calendar a lot, I just wish they would price things more reasonably. I already have a TON of BSB merchandise so I'm going to have to pass on this one.

  10. Sway_Shay avatar

    Asia, there is no sample.