1. Mike avatar

    So i ordered one of these calenders for Christmas and I didn't receive any kind of varification email ( like what I got when I ordered a ticket for a concert on this site ) and I'm wondering if that's right.. Shouldn't something get sent to me to confirm my purchase so I know I'm not getting ripped off? It took the money out right away and everything but it just makes me nervouse because there's no confrmation.. Is that just how the calenders work?

    Also -- is there a way to check the date it was shipped or when I should expect to get it? I signed up for that "ground ctrl" thing but it didn't help.. lol

  2. Cris McDorough avatar

    I got mine yesterday! It looks great!

  3. erikalynnexrok avatar

    people who haven't received theirs go to your orders (it's under dashboard

  4. Melissa C. avatar

    received my bsb calendar yesterday!! I LOVE IT!! great pix Justin!! :)

  5. sweetshorty avatar

    i ordered mine Nov. 24!!!! WHATS GOING ON!!! I HAVENT RECEIVED MINE!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    @Eddie thanks eddie! Got my calendar today! I love it! It's awesome!

  7. AngelaDam87 avatar

    Wait, so i ordered my calendar on Nov 30th, being one of the 500's that were guranteed for it to arrive by the holidays. But since it was shipped out recently and my shipping was USPS does that mean i wont be getting it for the holidays?? cause that would totally be unfair... =( its been almost a month...

  8. eddie avatar

    membership codes will go out after all of them are shipped :) (via email)

  9. Danielle avatar

    I received mine today but can't open it til Christmas! Grrr. I wanna see it sooo bad

  10. Florrangel avatar

    awww!!!!! i love it