1. ashelyn14 avatar

    Here is my experience with the Atlanta After Party.

    I checked in at a Table near the merchandise to get my pass before the concert. The BIG problem I had the hardest time understanding was I was never given an address of the physical location of the after party. Truthfully I was told it was at a house up the street. There were no signs, I wasn't given an address. We had to ask an Atlanta Police Officer where the After Party was. For safety purposes this is very scary to have no idea where you are going. I could have moved my car to the location of the party itself, but I was given NO information about the location.

    If you purchase ANY one of these After Party pass at other cities, call control ground before you go! Make sure they give you some information. It was late a night walking by myself at 11:30 with no idea where to go.

    We got to the house (what wasn't on the premises of the concert venue itself) around 11:30 pm, the concert ended at 11:00 pm. There was a line the "meet and greet" holders needed to wait in to get their pictures with the boys. It was Howie, Kevin, and Nick who were there. The boys were late getting there, probably didn't show up till near 11:45 pm and finally the meet and greet line started moving. The staff were able to move the line pretty quickly by groups of 4 and 5 taking pictures with the guys.

    For the $75 pass you don't get a picture but you can go ahead into the venue and get near the stage. I have never been to one of the parties so I really didn't know how much interaction we would get with the guys.

    If I knew what I know now, I would have gotten my picture, and ran up stairs and stood by the stage in the front. Once they showed up on stage upstairs they started singing random popular songs on the radio and pulling people on stage. Trying to get on stage is really difficult. There were probably about 100 people at this event, maybe more. I feel like you really had to push and shove to get to the front of the stage.

    They did have a bar at the event (not sure if this was just because it was Howie's birthday) but I was given 2 admission tickets to get alcoholic drinks.

    There was a lot dancing, partying, and fun. The boys did a lot of interaction with the fans especially if they were on stage. People were able to bring their I phone or I pad up on stage and take pics with them (that is IF you are able to get to the front of the stage).

    Overall I think it was worth the 150 dollars I paid for. Not really sure when the boys will come back to Georgia.

    Please just make sure you get the information from Control Ground before you go. I would hate for something to happen to one of us trying to locate the event or going back to your car.

    Any questions send me a reply

  2. BittyB avatar

    Nicole, I can't seem to respond to you. We met Nick, Kevin, and Howie. The after party was at the venue, so make sure you bring your stuff with you because you can't go back to your car. It was supposed to be from 11pm-1am, but they were late getting there, so it was more like 11:45pm-1:45am. We paid $150 and got a picture with them (we were rushed through, so there was no time to do a meet and greet or get autographs), and by the time we got to where the stage was, all of the people who paid $75 were already there, so they were the ones who got to go up on stage and get individual pictures with each of the Boys, but we never got that chance because we were in the back. I don't want it to seem like it was a terrible experience, because it wasn't - but just know that, in my opinion, the extra money isn't worth it. (Although the photo did turn out well!...but not $75 worth still.)

  3. skyisfalling avatar

    Still holding out hope for an after party on 8/31 in Houston.

  4. Marina xoxo avatar

    jessy1980 - You can go to the "Media" section. It's under pictures there, on this website.

  5. BittyB avatar

    Ladies, I went to the after party in Manassas, VA. I would recommend only buying the $75 ticket, as the $150 ticket isn't worth it. But, all in all, the after party was a fun experience, even if I expected more.

  6. Carol Johanna avatar


  7. Nikki avatar

    what's aaron's after party? something at the HR across the street?

  8. Kaytee7815 avatar

    I'm betting for Tampa, Aaron's After party will be the BSB after party.

  9. jessy1980 avatar

    WHERE can I download or buy the meet and greet photo??????

  10. Jessica Harris avatar

    I don't think any of those are "new" dates lol...you guys got me all excited for a Vegas after party, but no :/