1. KforKaos avatar

    PLEASE have after parties in Irvine, Universal City (aka LA) and Vegas...please???

  2. Marina xoxo avatar

    That's good, I hope so. I'm hoping it's at least two hours! :))

  3. Anushika Ganegoda avatar

    Seems like they last a couple hours...maybe until around 2am! =)

  4. WishWeWereCruisin avatar

    I just saw that! It says that he's performing at 6:00 pm...that's a little strange that it's right before the BSB concert. I wonder why....

  5. Marina xoxo avatar

    Anyone know how long the after party lasts? I have to go to work the next day at 2 PM. I'm sure it'll be worth it though! :))

  6. Brittany avatar

    a girl just won tickets from a local atlanta radio station to the show...she could also choose to go to either soundcheck or the after party, which is howie's birthday party also....WHAT AFTER PARTY???

  7. janethjcarter avatar

    Flynn Rider & janethjcarter-U-.

  8. Marina xoxo avatar

    Christinar, yeah which is a shame... Because I've been a huge fan of hers. Meeting her would have probably been disappointing. I think it sucks when you're a fan of someone for a long time and then you meet them and they are unkind and they disappoint you. That can really scar a person. So not nice. I used to want to meet her, but I don't anymore.

  9. CandyG avatar

    What about an After Party in Cedar Park???

  10. christinar avatar

    I heard Britney is nasty to fans when you meet her- That she is very rude and stuck up.