1. Jayymee avatar

    Why do you have to be 21?!??!?! Anyone know?):

  2. Ajla Karacic avatar

    peopleeeeeeee they are posting them about a week before each show. calm your titts. hahaha! they are having a after party for every city... they are just not posting them all at once.




  4. erikalynnexrok avatar

    why are people being so brutal to cities that weren't announced with after parties? Being upset I get, but the exaggeration of some comments is ridiculous...

  5. DrmWeaver22 avatar

    Can anyone tell me how many people usually go to the APs? My husband is coming with me and said he will go with me but I don't want him to feel out of place... If they are completely packed with girls he might kill me if I make him go, anyone else bring a significant other??

  6. Terri avatar

    I am briinging my 18 year daughter with me to concert! It stinks you have to be 21 to attend! This will be her last BSB concert before she heads to college!!! Can't afford any other packages! :(

  7. Jasmine A avatar

    Please add an After Party for the Sunday, September 8th concert in Concord. We're the closest concert to the city of San Francisco and San Francisco fans need some love too. ;)

  8. NicksMyBiztch avatar

    yea what the heck...no party for NY????? again???? wtf is that???

  9. Mason Twins avatar

    SO excited for the Michigan after party! Toledo's was awesome! Is the party at DTE? Work is going to suck on Friday but it will be worth it ;)

  10. Lori avatar

    I thought the same thing!