1. Rocky Baia avatar

    Whrs my CD...???!!!!

  2. Karla Laredo avatar

    Pre orde fan poster+cd, got the poster but not the cd =[ so much for a pre-order. Not happy at all.

  3. Stephanie272 avatar

    If you do a Target exclusive with bonus tracks you need to tell your fans like other artists do!!! I thought they might do that, but absentmindedly opened the cd I bought from another store just before I checked the Target website. Uh! So frustrated! Guess I will have to buy a second copy at Target now too....

  4. tatibsb22 avatar

    Cant wait for the show next week !!

  5. letinick avatar

    I received anything, no poster with the name, no cd I hope to have soon

  6. backstangel avatar

    Still no cd today, just the poster yesterday and I was suppose to receive them at the same time. Very disappointed in this!

  7. Krystle628 avatar

    Of course there's a target exclusive version with 2 more tracks. I am so tired of artists doing this. Why can't they release one version with everything?

  8. Sandra Sales avatar

    I can't choose just a song as my fav... ALL SONGS ARE AWESOME!!!! but "hot hot hot" drives me crazy!!! ;) I purchased it on itunes and also I'm waiting my package with the CD and poster!!! :P

  9. backstangel avatar

    www.myplaydirect.com/customer-service/ and leave your order # and a message telling then what your missing ect

  10. Jankees4ever avatar

    I didn't get my cd either. I received my poster though. Who did you message? Can I have that information?