1. Bunny - Vicky avatar

    Love it

  2. SweetDelish12 avatar

    I really REALLY love this one it's really good. ♫ 💚

  3. KevsPanther28 avatar

    OMG I love this song!!!!! So far this is my favorite from the ones I have heard. I can't wait for the entire album to be released next week, I already did the preorder on iTunes and here on the fan club!!!!

  4. Carol Johanna avatar

    Link is not working thou I LOVE IT! I heard the preview in LA it was a sneak peak but it was GOOD so my heart never get colder because you guys will always be my soldiers!! KTBSPA!

  5. MikeyBoy avatar

    link doesn't work. Please fix it, this was my fav when you guys playedit at the fan event.

  6. kp avatar

    love this one <3

  7. Priya Raja avatar

    link didnt work for me :(

    Will just have to soldier on :)