1. ValeskaLittrell avatar

    Me encant

  2. Miriam Peluso avatar

    This video is AWESOME!!!

  3. Joise avatar

    Ahhh I love you guys!! Kevin n Howie r looking really sexy!

  4. Barb Smith avatar

    I love the entire video! It had my crying about halfway through cuz you could feel the power of the song in relation to what was happening in the video with the 9/11 attacks. Makes me sooo proud to be a Backstreet fan!!

  5. Erica Brown avatar

    love this video! You guys are amazing. Love you guys and this is the year for BSB.


  6. misho 90 avatar

    Awesome video,what's the next video ..... can't wait..... KTBSPA

  7. Carol Johanna avatar

    oh plus your look on the video? I love it its different! then again I love everything you do! lol! but seriously, Kevin looks like he looked in The Casserole Club, I love Brian's hat and A.J.'s shoes! Howie look clean cut and my baby Nick looks just yummy!! you guys look VERY handsome as usual! a 60's vibe with the outfits very retro and chic! but that's just my opinion! #KTBSPA

  8. Carol Johanna avatar

    LOVE the video and LOVE you guys!! I'm very proud to be part of the Backstreet Family!! This video shows how much you care and for those who didn't know it shows them that your not just pretty faces!! over tmy 20 years with you guys i have liked/loved your videos but this one made me cry! it tops all your other videos! i have no favorite part, I loved every second of it! THE FAV 5 HAS DONE IT AGAIN!! KTBSPA!!!!!!

  9. Speedy_Ingrid avatar

    I can't watch it from Holland :( but already saw the video on youtube :)
    Love the new video :D, so glad we have new BSB material ;)


  10. kp avatar

    love this video <3