1. Mary Miller avatar

    Does anyone know who sings the first verse? I was thinking it might be Brian or Kevin?? Not sure. Thanks

  2. Robson Poland avatar

    hi! Does anyone have links to websites where you can order the new album, but in Europe.Please help, I'm from Polish-which is difficult to get the disc BSB :( Sorry for my English.My e-mail [email protected]

  3. Rachel Mec avatar

    loved! this one should be a single!!!

  4. Kat Dodson avatar

    guess I have to wait for the album to come out to hear it :(

  5. Tyra avatar

    Love it, love Kevin's voice

  6. cdn_grl_luvs_bsb avatar

    when i clicked the link on my phone to listen to it at work today i didn't even read the description of the song. OMG seriously BSB as if I couldn't love you boys any more :)

  7. Ashley avatar


  8. jobsb avatar

    I can't hear it yet :(

  9. FaithInBrian26 avatar

    Oh, how I wish this was a music video! I love this track, and I can't wait for the whole album to drop! :D

  10. Kaleigh avatar

    Definitely one of my favorites, next to Show 'Em What You're Made Of & IAWLT. Awesome job Boys. I've always admired that you're a band that has songs for your fans. Glad to see the tradition continue!

    Can't wait for the full album to drop! ^^