1. Sweet D Fan avatar

    I forgot to add one more thing...

    What VIP you purchase determines where you sit for the soundcheck. If you bought platinum, then you get to sit in the front row. If you have gold, you sit in row 2 or 3, silver is row 4 and bronze is row 5. So when you are purchasing your VIP, think also about where you want to sit during soundcheck.

  2. Sway_Shay avatar

    Can't wait for more dates to be announced!! :)

  3. Sweet D Fan avatar

    Apparently I can't do math first thing in the morning....it's 50 silver and 50 bronze, not 25 silver and 25 bronze.

  4. Sweet D Fan avatar

    This VIP is to meet the BSB not NKOTB-they have a separate VIP than BSB.

    I would say the VIP is worth the money. I wasted money attending a BSB after party where it was false advertisement and couldn't get anywhere near the BSB. I know the VIP is a lot of money-I did silver for the This Is Us Tour (my first VIP) and next time, I would go for gold just because you get an autograph picture and it's only you with the BSB in the photo they took. With silver, you get a group picture with a bunch of people you don't know, haha! With platinum, when you go back stage, at the end you get an individual picture with which ever member gave the tour (and you don't know who it will be when you purchase your VIP, only as the day gets closer and you look at earlier shows can you who will be doing yours). If you do get platinum, you get to renew your BSB membership for free. I'm thinking about going platinum for one concert if they decide to do a show near me. However, like you all said, it is a lot of money. I would say that if you do go and do a VIP, at least make it gold so it's worth your money!

    I read somewhere the other day that VIP is limited to 200 people-25 platinum, 75 gold and 25 each of silver and bronze.

    Hope this all helps!

  5. mandice avatar

    like debra, i too would like to know if forking out money for the VIP will be worth it. and i mean, REALLY worth it. sure, it's worth it because it's the guys, but.. it's a lot of money. and i'm already burning a big fat hole in my wallet as it stands for the cruise.
    my other question is, can you sell the VIP to someone else? i may or may not even be in town (another reason why i'm so wary about spending the money)

    oh oh oh! and maybe i'm just oblivious or i have selective reading, but is the VIP to only meet BSB and not NKOTB too?

  6. kath-22-bsb-forever avatar

    come to montreal

  7. kath-22-bsb-forever avatar

    come to montreal

  8. debra avatar

    Can someone whos been to VIP events answer please--is is crazy or really or worth the extra money? and do they only sell limited amount of VIP's, so its not super crowded. Thanks

  9. weotch avatar

    Come to Seattle!

  10. charburn avatar

    I hope theres a Winnipeg date in the works!