1. Looby avatar

    I so want to go to this...

  2. SpireiteSarah avatar

    Not sure what I'm doing on Google+ but I'm following so hopefully that is right

  3. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Excited to be watching from Canada, XO.

  4. Gianfranco Petroni avatar

    can't wait

  5. Krystle628 avatar

    It would be great if they were announcing more tours datesin North America. Like CT! BSB in CT!!!

  6. MariaMiller avatar

    I will see if I can stay up that late, but I have to be up for work 6hrs after this happens on google +. I will most likely miss it, a 10hr shift with 119 kids is not something you want to do on no sleep.

  7. Simo KTBPA avatar

    or do something like FAN EVENT in LA where who subscrived mail information recived the entering mail!!! Pleaseeee!!!

  8. Simo KTBPA avatar

    I think it should be a contest even fon only FC members...

  9. francocarterlittrell avatar

    that boys us annouced an very good news ( tour in europe)

  10. BASTRID(nuga602) avatar
