1. Bsbforeverfan avatar

    So Excited, Can't wait for the WHOLE album. The songs so far are amazing!

  2. clbpereira avatar

    Why in your arms is not between the songs? :((

  3. Stephhh17 avatar

    Can't wait to blast this in the car !!! :D and hear it live...

  4. Jasser156 avatar

    I love it!!

  5. bsbbabe4ever avatar

    I may be a Nick girl but love hearing AJ on the song "Try"! His voice gives me the shivers! Which is good!!! <3

  6. Estha Ren avatar

    Can't wait!! 40 days to wait... July 30th is my mother's birthday~ how wonderful~

  7. kroonmaki avatar

    :) :) :) GREAT SINGLE!!! Cab`t wait to hear this LIVE!!!

  8. JANEASTON avatar

    Sooo can't wait 4 the album xx

  9. Mariale McLean avatar

    i love it. is amazing <3 <3

  10. Fracksgurl4ever avatar

    boys please put a datee up for hershey after the 24 of august or sometime in july would be good