1. chit avatar

    i just hope they would come to OTTAWA this time! please let us know before Nov 19.

  2. Jocelyn avatar

    They need to give us more details. only 5 days to come up with the money and we have no idea how much or what VIP will include!!!! SEriously....

  3. songineverheard avatar

    wow! a little short notice for the tickets. i wonder how the vip would be like? do you meet both bands?!

  4. FAYEluvsBSB avatar

    I tried looking myself & couldn't find pricing...I really need to know!!!

  5. Rachel avatar

    Does anyone know if there is a way to see the pricing for the tickets before their actually on sale?

  6. Rachel avatar

    Does anyone know if there is a way to see the pricing for the tickets before their actually on sale?

  7. FAYEluvsBSB avatar

    Man, I had a lot of typos in that last post.....I'm just so excited & nervous at the same time!

  8. frackstar5 avatar

    Will NKOTB make an appearance on the BSB cruise in December? I saw a performance posted on the NKOTB site for December 12-Carnival Destiny!

  9. Mariana Desmond avatar


  10. Mariana Desmond avatar
