1. ajsgrl4l avatar

    Please tell me this isnt the ONLY tour you will be having in 2011! I am NOT an NKOTB fan and i dont want to pay a ridiculous amount of money to see 1/2 of a show. I would rather see a full show with the BSB on stage performing the entire time. Please BSB! Tell me you will have other tour dates!!

    Also, i agree with everyone else. this is really bad timing and short notice. Especially for those who have spent a couple thousand dollars to go on a cruise with you guys next month. How am i supposed to scrape up more money to come to one of these concerts?

    I need to pick up a second job to support my BSB addiction ;)

  2. Rachel avatar

    Maybe I just wont pay the electric bill or rent this month. lol

  3. LaCoquette avatar

    This is bullshit...
    They just don't care, YOU PEOPLE will find the money
    Sometimes I just tell myself that they seriously don't care about us

  4. freda avatar

    i'm am soo excited about the tour, but i am soooooo NOT happy about the short notice about the fanclub presale, not everyone has $100s of dollars to cough up in a week...at least give us a month in advance! *jumps off soapbox*

  5. FAYEluvsBSB avatar

    I think everyone is freaking out!! We all expected to get notice way before the tickets went on pre sale. And this just has to happen right before Christmas, I have 2 kids to shop for...I can make this work...somehow:)

  6. Rachel avatar

    Bad timing to be buying tickets with Christmas coming up too. :)

  7. Amanda Chinappi avatar

    I hope they come to montreal!

  8. Amanda Chinappi avatar

    I hope they come to montreal!

  9. bsb_angel avatar

    I am totally freaking out at work right now...and panicking about the presale! They've only announced one show for Ontario so far...which is not good because the ACC only has so many seats. Ack!!

  10. Pamela avatar

    will all the dates be annouced b4 the 19th?? does anyone think there will be more canadian dates?