1. AprilDalaman avatar

    segkerhjemwfgjnregwqk,gwjeglwne wait!!! I need money! Please wait til after the holidays to have the Cali. date/vip go onsale. pweez? :[

  2. BSBfan4ever82 avatar

    I can't wait!! Wooo hooo!!

  3. MooMooSaurus avatar

    Eddie said on twitter this was meant for the NKOTBSB tour, and they have not planned anythang for South America yet.

    ...I really think South America should get their concerts before NKOTBSB...

  4. Sway_Shay avatar

    Okay really please let us have a few months before they go on sale, LOL!
    Some of us are broke already and need time to save ha-ha!!

  5. MariaP avatar


  6. Christine3185 avatar

    please also take into account that a lot of fans either work or have school so please make the presales later in the day

  7. Christine3185 avatar

    I really hope they wait a while to have the presale

  8. Annette avatar

    Awww come on,please let them go on sale after Christmas or after March would be ideal lol..............im gonna be sooooo broke :(

  9. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    This is for the NKOTBSB tour a fan asked Eddie on his twitter and he replied NKOTBSB tour,I hope once they announce the dates they wait til after the holidays to buy tickets.lol

  10. Chryssa_NC avatar

    i need another showwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!