1. veronick avatar

    ohhh yess we miss kev!!!

  2. Maríaepetit avatar

    kev we miss you a lot!

  3. TatisBSB avatar

    keviiiin i miiiiiisss yooou soo much =') i love youu

  4. Kristen808 avatar

    Ahhhhh kevin! i missed u much. i just want work to finish already so i can go hm and watch it. but im all the way in hawaii! i see it hrs after everyone esle :(

  5. Amy avatar

    My roomate and me taped it so we can watch it when she gets off work.. Im super thrilled. Trying not to touch the play button on the remote!! hahahahah

  6. Guitargurl avatar

    It was so amazing to see them all together again. I loved hearing all five voices blend. Every time it showed Kev, I was like pinching myself. Is he really there? Lol. They looked and sounded great. What a great day!

  7. nick-a-day-habit avatar

    Thanks for letting us know Kev's on Oprah, miss him terribly! Guess I'll have to learn some New Kids On The Block songs too.

  8. Gina avatar

    So awesome to see kev back they all seemed happy together! I'm pretty sure kev watches this site maybe with all this love for him he may come back ad lest now and again if not premeantly!

  9. nick-a-day-habit avatar

    I knew Oprah had great taste in music! Kevin's on too? Can't wait to see them all together again! OMG! Her show's starts in 20 min. I can't wait!!!!

  10. ConcertJunkie27 avatar

    I get to watch this later today! Totally stoked!