1. Maria avatar

    Don't let Kevin go again! We all want to see him live. Steal him away for a tour! =)

  2. Rachh.(L)'s.BSB avatar

    Omfgoshhhh thhis is soo exciting cant wait!!

  3. VeroGirl avatar

    that is SOO cool!!! i cant whait to see them with Kevin to =DD

  4. Nadia avatar

    soo excited - cant wait :)

  5. Janice avatar

    Yay! Kevin is going to be on Thank goodness for DVR

  6. DunkaRoo avatar

    its funny that i have most of those mags in that picture....eeep!

  7. Nickely avatar

    ahhhh que emocion!!!!!

  8. Kyla avatar


  9. marie3003 avatar

    can't wait to see kevin !!

  10. BSBCANDY85 avatar

    cant wait...