1. little miss bsb avatar

    great show n awesome suprise!

  2. Snowflake avatar

    @vettechnikki They don't dance as nearly as much anymore? Sorry but where have you been during the last tour? They dance even more now than when they started their career and concentrate less on singing. :/

    @Sweet D Fan He only said the truth. Why did he have to lie? He was very polite and respectful toward Oprah, that's all. At least he is honest, what's so wrong about that?

    I prefer BSB as five and I personally believe that the group is better with Kevin (no offense to the current four BSB members but it's not the same). The sound is fuller, they can do the harmonies with him and some of them can control and improve their singing, which lately isn't that great, by also hiding the mistakes they make. They are just a different group now.

    I liked the performance on Oprah. After almost five years they finally sounded good and on key, at least in the chorus. Kevin and Nick did a very good job, in my opinion. Both sang extremely well. :) It was so emotional when Kevin sang his part and it felt so right. Overall, it was a little awkward but so nice to see them all five together again. :)

  3. gretchi avatar

    i admit, it was a little strange to see him sing w/ them again, but great at the same time! sounds like he had fun on the show! i'm also used to the 4 of them.

  4. jennifer and athena avatar

    i miss kevin being in teh band... i think the guys were much more fan friendly when he was.. the last few times i have ment them there were not as approcable... either that or they are not liking toronto anymore...

  5. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    It was great to see Kevin and glad he came back for 1 time for the Oprah Appearance. He will always be a Backstreet Boy to me and I love them with and without Kevin,I support them all so it's all good. Love them on Oprah,they sounded and looked great.

    Kevin has always had the same kind of facial expressions when performing.lol

  6. Benedicte Tardieu-Tremblay avatar

    Am I the only one to tought that Kevin was looking ..sick.. and he doesn't want to be there.. :S that's sad !

  7. Clarisse avatar

    I really prefer the group without Kevin. It was great with him but now, I think the boys are better, I prefer the songs and the sounds...

  8. vettechnikki avatar

    As nice as it was to see the original Boys back together... I'm kinda content with the 4 of them now. I've grown used to it. Not that I haven't missed him, because he of course made the group whole. But they aren't the group they used to be. They don't dance nearly as much anymore, their sound is a little different from back in Kevin's day. And I kinda like them this way. Am I the only one who feels that way?? I feel kinda bad thinking it but I got over it when he left, and I got used to the Boys being just the 4 of them, now I like them this way.

  9. Colleen avatar

    I know!!! I wish he would come back....I sure do miss him

  10. Sweet D Fan avatar

    It was great seeing Kevin! I was just disappointed with his first answer to why he came on the show, which was "because your people phoned me." How about the first answer being, "because I missed the group or the fans"?