1. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    It's a one time only appearance for Kevin! I can't wait to see them together as 5 again,yay!

  2. vettechnikki avatar

    Is Kevy really gonna be there? I wonder if he does come back, does this mean he'll be on the cruise? Man, this would be totally awesome. The Boys finally back together the way they used to be. Can't wait for tomorrow. I'll be working while it's on but I'm DEFINITELY tivo'ing it so I can watch it when I get home.

  3. kelly avatar

    So Kevin will be re joining BSB next year on tour?

  4. alekrter avatar

    oooh Kevin!!!!

  5. kelly avatar

    We missed you Kevin!

  6. Michele avatar


  7. Gina avatar

    Omg kevin please let it be love u so much kev!

  8. bsbgrl026 avatar

    oprah said it on the preview too. o well, the surprise may be ruined, but i still could not be more excited! cant wait to see you guys!!! love you! welcome back to the stage kevin!!

  9. Ashley & Jillian avatar

    Haha Brian already spoiled it on twitter... Yet I know that I will still jump up and down like a little kid when I see him with all you guys on tv! This show should be EPIC! lol

  10. kaotic avatar

    if that mean's Kevin is coming back that would be so awesome :D