1. Danitsja avatar

    Sorry but can someone tell me why Trouble, Hologram, Helpless and one of my favorite Fallen angle arent on the album.....(i'm a bitt upset right now......)....? I hope they put some extra stuff one the album ;)

  2. littlelight3 avatar

    It seems like it is going to be a great album but only 11 songs? And no Helpless or Trouble? Hopefully they will be part of the bonus songs.

  3. HDDisMTT avatar

    Excited about the new CD but more songs would be great! Like many of the others I can't believe Helpless, Hologram and Fallen Angel aren't on the list.

  4. H avatar

    will there be a special edition for other countries?????

  5. Bren7 avatar

    wait, ONLY 11 tracks?!!??!?!

  6. sweetgirl avatar

    I miss Helpless, Hollogram and Fallen Angel... but there are great songs on the CD too!! Unless she's a dream... I don't like that one so much.
    I can't wait until october 6th!!! :D

  7. Bren7 avatar

    where is helpless and trouble and fallen angel? what were they on when they made this track listing? god.....

  8. tbsk avatar

    It's a joke, right???? Where is Hologram, Fallen Angel, Helpless... and the best song TROUBLE????!!!!!!! Where is Trouble?????!!!!!!!!!!

  9. nickysgurl520 avatar

    I agree that I'm shocked that Helpless, Hologram and Fallen Angel didn't make the cut - but I'm looking forward to the new songs that I haven't heard anyway!!!

  10. Asia avatar

    I read on twitter that their all friends were excited about Helpless, Fallen Angel and Trouble (according to Leighanne) and now they're not even putting these songs on the album?
    Am I the only one who is confused here?