1. Luana and Valquiria avatar

    Fallen Angel :(
    Helpless :(
    Trouble :(

  2. Tanja avatar

    I miss Fallen Angel , All in my Head and Satellite ;-(((

  3. Fidjie avatar

    So I'm so glad with the tracklist. After hearing almost all the songs, I'm glad with the selection. I just would take off If I knew then and put Trouble (and All in my head if it's possible, there aren't ballads enough in the album). But nothing more.

  4. Chryssa_NC avatar

    I can't wait for the aLbum.....
    but i wish HOLOGRAM and FALLEN ANGEL could be in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Amanda avatar

    I cant wait for the new cd!!! less than a month to go!!!! its gonna rock!!! love you boys :)

  6. Gianfranco Petroni avatar

    I WANT IN THIS ALBULM FALLEN ANGEL,INTERNATIONAL,HOLOGRAM,HELPLESS,TROUBLE,ALL IN MY HEAD .... This album is amazing but with this songs it will be the best album of bsb

  7. Rosemarie avatar

    is there a place that we can listen to these new songs???

  8. Chryssa_NC avatar

    HOLOGRAM and FALLEN ANGEL.....???? :(:(:(
    We're waiting for an upDate here..... Hope you add more sOngs..!!!!!

  9. Laura avatar

    where's Trouble?

  10. Rosita avatar

    Fallen Angel :(