1. foreverbsbfan avatar

    i found the video herer:

  2. xbillyjean42x avatar

    I didnt' like the video. It was horrible. BSB can do so much better and the Vampire theme UGH!! it's played out! STOP already lol seriously. why?
    Vampires are cool..but when you play it out..it gets boring. I'm afraid they jumped on that bandwagon a little too late.

  3. Asia avatar

    Where can I see the HQ version?

  4. Claire_UK avatar

    There is a link on MSN about the new Video and you can watch it on there

  5. Adriana Carter avatar

    I love it!!!! =D

  6. ajbackst avatar

    For those who obviously missed the words "DAY WALKERS" in the very begining, the boys can walk outside in the day because...well, they're DAY walkers...

  7. Audrey avatar

    What a pity European fans couldn't watch the official premiere on usmagazine.com!
    Fortunatly for us the video appears on few other place hehe
    The video is great and the boys look sooooooooo HOT!
    BsB are vampires?! Where I can ask to be bitten by one of them??? LOL

  8. Tian avatar

    The non-american citizens thank you so much for picking that site as a premiere spot!
    Makes us feel so appreciated and welcome here!

    The video is great thou, I just wish they you would have posted it in here first!

  9. Melissa avatar

    i couldnt figure out how to see it @ UsMag so I just googled it..

  10. Postergirl03 avatar

    I enjoyed it, It wasnt the typical "Boy band" video, They all looked mighty fine in it.. Notice that they like to have a lot of videos where they just walk away.. LOL