1. * Nathy * avatar

    Terrible! This is what this video is!
    Hate it... sorry guys but I know you can do this much better!!! =/

  2. Barb Smith avatar

    I loved the video! :D I agree that it wasn't the best video ever, but anything new from the Boys is something I adore!!!! Wish there had been more storyline or maybe a completely different one (I had one in my head is turning into a fan fic) than vampires.....IMO not to offend anyone, but the whole vampire genre is getting too mainstream. But I LOVE the song and video was good! Can't wait for the album!

  3. Izzy avatar

    ohh... I can't watch it... the page won't let me!! I'm looking forward to watching the video, I'm sure it's great, just like the song ;)

  4. Bilitis avatar

    LMAO .. sorry I don't thank you for this

    1/ The video leaked hours ago .. whoever did that .. great job *shakes head*
    2/ You can't watch it if you live outside North America

    oh wait thanks MSN Video .. I can watch it there

  5. HDDisMTT avatar

    I liked it! The more I watch it the more I like it. Initially it was a little confusing but after watching it several times I understood the story line behind it. Love the song!!

  6. AJslibrarygirl avatar

    I liked it but it seemed to move really quickly with the camera around the scenes and made me dizzy. I too wish they had more of a story line. Had a nice little beginning with the details of what was to come but then sort of got stuck with the guys dancing around.

  7. airwynnglass avatar

    wish there was more story line to it, with them being vampires and all... instead there was just more of a performance aspect to it... but I could never think something BSB did was bad! haha they're amazing to listen to and watch!!!

  8. gaby_argentina avatar

    It says : material not available..i watched it from another fan who took it!

  9. Slugby avatar

    It was pretty cheesy but the boys are still sexy.. What was with Brian's body builder arms in the end? He couldn't lay then against his body lol... Reminded me of the "We've Got It Going On" video, the stage aspect. Pretty good but I wish there was more vampire story line, or more fangs from the boys cause thats sexy.

  10. ajbackst avatar

    nvm I found it! I love it too! Though, it seems more fast paced then the song and that kinda ruins it if you ask me, it made it harder to sing along...but I love it! Wish we could have seen more the guy's fangs too, but w/e