1. Kimmie_78 avatar

    and I have Voted again!!! :-)

  2. Maria Elena Garcia  (alias Ele) avatar

    votadooosss!!! mis chicoosss!!!

  3. nicksbabe28 avatar

    Just voted for my boys! :D

  4. trinebimbam avatar

    Just voted for the gizzilionth time - it's 55 / 45 in favour of our boys :)

  5. Kaos-girl avatar


  6. Culkinfan4life avatar

    I voted their winning now go BSB.

  7. nicksrockerbaby avatar


  8. PAOLA avatar

    Voted again.
    Go guys!!

  9. Gloria9306 avatar

    Voted! Never guilt when it comes to BSB!!!!

  10. AlinaB avatar

    yes there's no guilt! I simply love all of them! :) just voted&posted a comment.. there are some mean ppl which don't understand that BSB is the best group since they appeared&they'll always be! we speak about 15 years of happiness together&no one can take that away.. who else is like them? no one.. luv BeStBoys