1. Ashley_luvs_Nick128 avatar

    i hope more info is announced soon...

  2. Johana C. avatar

    It's killing me!! I wish I could go.... :'(

  3. Diana_k avatar

    Ahhh can't wait I'm so there

  4. melinda avatar

    Finally an event in LA with adequate notice! Yay, so happy for them! Hopefully I will be able to attend!

  5. LORENATOR avatar

    Does anyone have more info about april's event? I'm coming from Spain and I need to know the days celebration is gonna last...I've gotta ask for that free days at work and also buy the tickets ( prices are increasing each day!). Pleeeeeeease, any clue???? Thanks so much!!!!

  6. Speedy_Ingrid avatar

    I wish I could be there..

  7. sweden avatar

    you earn it im so glad and happy for you guys how menny otter band has get it and stay and still going not wery menny i can caount to from a guy member in wseden say congratulations to you guys and keep playing

  8. Renate Izelin avatar

    Hoping this whole thing is something that fans all over the world will be able to participate somehow... Love the fact that you're getting a Hollywood Walk of Fame star (about time to be honest), but for those that can't go to Hollywood and have fun with you all there, we don't want to miss out on the fun. Fingers crossed that we'll all be able to join in somehow. Congrats on the star tho, guys!!! =)

  9. Zandria avatar

    im soo excited but I cant go!! :( but I will still be wishing you all the best and thinking of you!!!

  10. sweety dorough avatar

    See you there babies,I go to LA from Spain for anniversary,i cant wait to see you again