1. Chryssa_NC avatar

    SO far away from me..!!!!!!! I wish i was living at the US!!!! :O:O:O

  2. Millaray avatar

    and SouthAmerica?? in special Santiago?? when?? =(

  3. Lee Kung Do avatar

    Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!Please come to China!!!!

  4. Cris avatar

    - Please come to Brazil !!!

  5. pharmtechchick avatar

    im so sxcited...i cant wait till thursday...have my money ready ...backstreet boyus here we come..lol

  6. freetodream5 avatar

    This show is in PHOENIX ARIZONA

  7. Mariel avatar

    why don't guys do stuff like these here in Chile???
    You should def do an after show party again, when u come back here. you will come back, won't you??? we're waiting for you!!!!!!!!!

  8. KizzleKrista avatar

    Oh I really wish I could go! But, I'll have to stick to just watching it on TV :)

  9. domiNICK avatar

    I also want to know where is this show !

  10. rt1983 avatar

    where is this show going to be at?