1. brokbabyduck4me avatar

    I am so upset that I am unable to attend this year. I have a wedding to go to on the 9th :-( then the price for the flight down just for the wylee party sunday just wouldnt be worth the money. It is a great experiance for all of you who are going!! Have tons of fun for me!!!!

  2. Florzinha Juju avatar

    amazing!! if I could I would go there of course! :) I'd like to be there and greet Brian, but... my city is so far from Alphareta. :( But I hope can go next year! :) have fun! \o/

  3. Nadia avatar

    sounds like so much fun... def wish i could be there....

    man i need to move to america lol :)

    hav fun

  4. BRokKentuckyGrl avatar

    I'll be there...Fair, Hoe-Down, and Wylee Party!

  5. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Amazing Charity, have fun everyone, thank you Littrell Family, Chirp, Chirp.

  6. Cassy avatar

    sounds like fun! hope you all have a great time!

  7. Amanda(KTBSPA87) avatar

    Have a great time everyone that's going :-)

    Amanda ♥

  8. almu avatar


  9. Quel Favaro avatar

    IT'll sure be awesome! Have fun, people!!!

  10. JoeyMac89 avatar

    Have fun to those who are able to go.