1. Yu avatar

    i want to see it!!!!

  2. Sway_Shay avatar

    Wahooo! :)
    Cannot wait!! Will make a note right now :D

  3. bsbDollBabe avatar

    I wasn't familiar with this show and found out this info:


    sounds fun! I'll have to check this out!

  4. Jesssss avatar

    Hope sombody can put it online somewhere..i dont think i have those channels!

  5. Jizzlette avatar

    awesome can't wait :)

  6. steffilu84 avatar

    Darn, I wish I had TV.

  7. babyaniag avatar

    i hope i will remember !!!!

  8. Puce27 avatar

    too nice. can't wait to see it!

  9. JoeyMac89 avatar

    i can't wait to see it. I better put it on my cell calendar or I will forget.

  10. Sophlovesbsb avatar

    Awesome, cant wait to watch it!! xoxo :-)