1. Maayke avatar

    OMG it was great to see/hear!

  2. Cris McDorough avatar

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWJejx8ij2c Don't Forget the Lyrics - Part 1
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c9m1IH4rF4 - Part 2

  3. Rachel Abi avatar


    you have to download it though

  4. Marie-Kim avatar

    where can we see it online ?? :(

  5. Mariana Desmond avatar

    alguien me dice que onda esto en argentina? lo podremos ver??

  6. Cris McDorough avatar

    I'm surprised nobody recorded it? I guess we have to wait until November.

  7. *Ana* avatar

    does anyone know where I can watch this online?? Im dying to see it! since i missed it yesterday :(

  8. melissawilliams avatar

    OMG! This was too cute!!! It was so funny to hear them sing non-BSB songs! They sounded amazing!!!! What was up with giving them that stupid Billy Joel song as the encore??? You can't even understand most of what he's saying...it's totally rigged! You would think they would give them an easier song since they were playing for charity, geez! It was super cute and I really enjoyed it though.

  9. bsbnicksgurl15 avatar

    omg i laughed so hard you guys r hysterical! was bummed you didn't win though :( they gave you a hard song! Shoulda gave a bsb song LOL

  10. Shanphanie avatar

    Does anyone know where I can watch this online? I don't want to wait until 11/8!