1. Mariana avatar

    im not sure if get it or not..

  2. Guitargurl avatar

    Wish I had enough!

  3. Lil'Star avatar

    Yay!! I have 2.501 points!!! =P

  4. bsbliveson12 avatar

    I don't have enough points :(

  5. bsbliveson12 avatar

    I don't have enough points :(

  6. aleskywalker avatar

    I don't wanna waste my pointssssssss!!!!!!!!!

  7. aahStellarNewZealand avatar

    LOL sorry but this is a fail. Most of us already have this single...of course. Also, why would we waste 2,500 points for it? soooo not worth it. lmao.

  8. ajbackst avatar

    ehh...already own the song, why waste my points when something better could come along?

  9. LenniluvsBrian avatar

    I have more than enough points, but I already have the songs more than likely. Now, if it were say, Brian's hat on the other hand.....lol.


  10. LiSc! avatar

    osh!! son muuuchos puntoss!! me faltan!! :(