1. Noris avatar

    Ja Ja Ja!!! que vivos q son!!! por una cancion 2500 puntos....very funny!

  2. BASTRID(nuga602) avatar

    aaaa yo quieroo, pero son mucho puntos :'(

  3. Amanda avatar

    thats way too much considering the fact that we all probably already have it!!!

  4. sarah avatar

    wayyyy too much.... should be like 50 or something

  5. almu avatar


  6. Janeth_Karen avatar

    gracias , espero no senecesiten muchospuntos=)

  7. bsbDollBabe avatar

    Long way to go for that many points! Sure wish you guys would come to south Texas!

  8. mari nieves avatar

    ya tengo el cd single, pero si me lo cambiais por Bigger lo acepto!!

  9. Zakukla avatar

    hahahaha!!! sooo funny!!! who on this site doesn't have the single already??? if i'm anything to go by i have 2 of everything incase one gets damaged!!!! LOL!:)

  10. KBNHAandme avatar

    OM! 2500 points..............
    happy to have already bought ....