1. patoybsb avatar

    Please, Come Back To Argentina!!!!

  2. nathu avatar

    Definitely this is GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!! WorldWide Tour is coming!!!!! that makes me smile!!!! ;)

  3. nathu avatar

    I'm sure u are coming to Argentina!!!!!!!! yes I am!!!!but try to do it soon!!!!! KTBSBPA

  4. Tannia Carter avatar

    "Rest of the world, the BSB World Tour is coming for you! Stay tuned for more 20th Anniversary events!

    Extreme Happiness! see them at 5 for me will be the first time and I die because that day comes. Waiting to know the date of tur in Mexico.
    I love

  5. Jocelyn avatar

    Wooohoo!!! It has started!

  6. Cande avatar

    OMG! come to ARGENTINA!!

  7. Sophie(Sweden) avatar

    I know the boys will do at least one show in Sweden, their second home, as they said back in the days =) Sweden looking forward to see you guys again!

  8. Estha Ren avatar

    this year is gonna be amazing~~ :D

  9. CHRYSBSB avatar

    Come back to Argentina!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!

  10. MAYGIRL avatar

    Wow, lucky china, they get you first. Don't forget us in the UK! KTBSBPA in the UK. x