1. Ana Karen =) avatar

    will there be one for the LA staples center show in the summer?! I HOPE SO! =)

  2. Ana Karen =) avatar

    after party?! how cool! =D

  3. leslie bsb avatar

    l want an afterparty in mexico city

  4. Sway_Shay avatar

    As far I as I know there is no after party for either Ohio show's, hopefully if they is one they post it NOW? LOL

  5. bsbgurl44004 avatar

    where is the after party for cleveland OH

  6. bsbgurl44004 avatar

    I thought this was about after parties??? does anyone know where bsb is going after the cleveland OH show?????

  7. janie!! avatar

    hey everyone lets just stop the ragging on one another. we joined this club to be a team that supports the boys and their music, and when we all argue and do the name calling bit we just damage the relationships we create with one another, and we all just look like crazy people.

    enjoy the shows!!

  8. Ana_C avatar

    I agree. The money is made with tours, and not with cds... specially with people downloading everything nowadays... I thought I was crazy when I read that... also my husband asked me "if they make no money with tours, why would they sacrifice themselves then (away from home, far away from families, losing nights etc)?"

  9. xCuteButPsycho86 avatar

    Actually the boys say time and time again that the money they make DOES come from ticket sales and NOT album sales. So whoever said it was from album says...it's really not.

  10. Ana_C avatar

    Well... very good point @LeSign. I went to my first VIP in Saint John (Platinum). I don't know anymore if I agree or disagree hehehehe. I guess I agree with the price being high because then it selects more people, not everybody going crazy on the boys in the same time, everybody having platinum. I felt good only with six more girls and Howie during the backstage tour. The only thing I think is that for $520, I had only 30 seconds with the boys before the picture, Nick seemed to be there really forced (and he is (still) my favourite). My friend left Saint John very disappointed with him, because he didn't give hardly any attention (I can't complain very much because I had very low expectations with all bad comments I have read specially about Nick). I guess that the price is good to select people but bad when you have exactly 30 seconds to see who you deeply love for so many years. And the backstage tour doesn't garantee anything since my fav is Nick and I wanted him all lovely to do the tour (seeing his mood and seeing his personality with my own eyes I thanked God for being Howie doing the tour and I started to like him a lot from that day). Anyways, I think the price is ok but I believe we deserved more time with them... I don't plan to see them again in my whole life because I have plan with my money =( even I would like to. And I guess the number of VIP should be limited for not having any rush: first come first serve... This is my opinion after what I experienced... I hope I can be respected this time. Thanks!

    I hope that the management reads this post or I will call myself groundctrl and tell them to read this. Maybe they will do something. Maybe not... Maybe they will read, maybe not... we all have the right to express our opinion and as long as we have RESPECT (which many people here are not having respect with each others thoughts)