1. xCuteButPsycho86 avatar

    Actually the boys say time and time again that the money they make DOES come from ticket sales and NOT album sales. So whoever said it was from album says...it's really not.

  2. Ana_C avatar

    Well... very good point @LeSign. I went to my first VIP in Saint John (Platinum). I don't know anymore if I agree or disagree hehehehe. I guess I agree with the price being high because then it selects more people, not everybody going crazy on the boys in the same time, everybody having platinum. I felt good only with six more girls and Howie during the backstage tour. The only thing I think is that for $520, I had only 30 seconds with the boys before the picture, Nick seemed to be there really forced (and he is (still) my favourite). My friend left Saint John very disappointed with him, because he didn't give hardly any attention (I can't complain very much because I had very low expectations with all bad comments I have read specially about Nick). I guess that the price is good to select people but bad when you have exactly 30 seconds to see who you deeply love for so many years. And the backstage tour doesn't garantee anything since my fav is Nick and I wanted him all lovely to do the tour (seeing his mood and seeing his personality with my own eyes I thanked God for being Howie doing the tour and I started to like him a lot from that day). Anyways, I think the price is ok but I believe we deserved more time with them... I don't plan to see them again in my whole life because I have plan with my money =( even I would like to. And I guess the number of VIP should be limited for not having any rush: first come first serve... This is my opinion after what I experienced... I hope I can be respected this time. Thanks!

    I hope that the management reads this post or I will call myself groundctrl and tell them to read this. Maybe they will do something. Maybe not... Maybe they will read, maybe not... we all have the right to express our opinion and as long as we have RESPECT (which many people here are not having respect with each others thoughts)

  3. Ren3gade avatar

    The fact the people are even arguing over this disgusts me. management sets prices. and things cost money, besides the band/boys don't even make any money over playing shows, the money comes from the album sales and all that. So pick, you get to meet them, or you dont, you get to see them live, or you dont. Just stop bitching about it. and if you want to bitch about the prices dont buy them, and save them for the people who saved their money and dont care how much it costs.

    ok, so things are expensive, i get the point. but there are a lot of things in this world that are expensive, you just cant have Champagne taste on a beer budget. you don't go into an Audi dealer expecting VW prices do you? same company, same cars, with a little extra, but bigger price tag.

  4. CindyS avatar

    This is for @ Cody, I am not fat, ugly or single, I am a mother of 4 and I paid my $550 to go to the VIP in Sydney.
    In fact most if the people at the VIP where not fat or ugly.
    As for the backstreet boys they are very popular outside of America, and the concerts outside of the US have sold out.
    You are aloud to have your own point of view but you could atleast show some respect to other fans on this site, those comments where rude and uncalled for

  5. Amy avatar

    tell me about it...when I was at the afterparty and nick was djing for a bit and then he came into the booth to say hi to us he immedietly went and lay down in the back booth and he told us he apppologized to us that he was so tired and had to lay down.

  6. Candace Michelle avatar

    Don't blame BSB for it, it's Groundctrl, Daughtry had the same thing, 155 for soundcheck, one pic, autograph and you had to buy the ticket separately. I think Kelly Clarkson is with groundctrl, and hers is worse you have to become a fan club member by the ticket and and enter a drawing to meet her and it's only about 40 ppl that get to meet her as well, and she doesn't even do soundcheck with them. The Boys do enough for their fans, blame ground ctrl, not the Boys. I know for sure if it were up to the Boys it wouldn't be like this.

  7. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    lol I swear if VIP's were were cheaper like 100$ or less there would still be ppl complaining about the prices because everyone has their own standards of what pricey means to them. I like that they have different VIP's for what ppl can afford to do. I mean I did platinum and dont regret any of it. I was actually nervous about it (because of the price and all the fans that were there which was like over 300). It was the best BSB VIP I had been to. But yeah I would maybe think twice about doing it again...cuz Ive already experienced it once and I love that I can choose a different VIP for next time...one that costs less. Bottom line it has to be worth it to u to do it. If not than dont buy one. But thats with other artists' VIP's as well.
    I just think its cool that this band that I have loved for 15 years allows me to go to their soundcheck when the place is like practically empty and all true BSB fans come together and have fun. I just think thats cool :) But hey thats me...to someone else it may be a waste of money.
    But yeah i have heard of a LOT of other bands and artists that charge WAY more than BSB and u get way less (like not even meeting them)

  8. mars8664 avatar

    I agree with you, nice to know I'm not the only one.

    I'm a longtime fan and I'm disappointed by the new packages and prices. I mean especially in this economy when people are losing their jobs and homes, I would hope the BSB would take that into consideration. It's great if you can afford any of the packages but I can remember when the meet and greets were a contest for fan club people and now they are $100 plus the price of the fan club membership plus the price of a tix.

    The GooGoo Dolls who have been around longer offer VIP packages that include tickets so you're not paying extra. You may not get to meet the group or have a pic taken with them but that fact they include a tix is a great thing and you get great seats (for $250 I got a front row tix, an autographed tour poster and a tshirt). I live on a small budget and saved for months to buy a VIP tix for the Boston BSB show - it was worth it as a longtime fan - but I wish the guys would acknowledge that times are tough and if they really wanted to thank their fans both old and new - adjusting the prices would be a great thank you. If I can afford to buy a VIP I will but it would be nice if I didn't have to sacrifice so much for it.

  9. erikalynnexrok avatar

    Cody, Yes BSB soundcheck doesn't allow video but a BUNCH of people still record during soundcheck & they are not the ones that run that rule, its usually the security or venue. Just cause your Denver have nothing doesn't mean all are. There are loads of videos all through out the tour. I was one that was able to record what i chose to at my sc and was not yelled at, at all. Plus people don't label the videos how you look them up sometimes.

    Plus at my sc last tour i was around 3 feet also (i was still very close this tour, it all depends on how many people buy that attend that make you farther) from them so it IS possible to be close to them during VIP, you are not a mile away. it's not just your Air Waves band. They are basically a Indie's band and obviously you'll get closer to bands that are indie. (and no that is not a diss so don't twist my words) So like everyone is saying, if you don't agree with the price then just don't buy it, its a waste of breathe to go on & on negatively about it.

    Now to you personally, from the beginning you should have valued our opinions and agreed to disagree. Instead, you wrote harmful immature things not even on the topic of conversation anymore and went way past the line that hurt a handful of members.

  10. Stephanie avatar




    and theres a ton more!!!!!!