1. ThatsWhatLiSaid avatar

    Cody... you paid $40 for fanclub membership for what exactly? To sit here and bash the Backstreet Boys? Well, guess what? They are laughing all the way to the bank with your money dude. Oh those money hungry boys!!! You definitely "showed them your money"!

  2. MooMooSaurus avatar

    Also, I would like to point out since you brought up the $500 to do the platinum VIP and how much money it is worth. Again, if you don't want to pay for it then don't. But don't bitch at people who want to do it. People can choose how they wish to spend their money before or after the show. If they want to spend 500 on a platinum VIP and 500 for an afterparty table then so be it.

    Although why you got on the topic of platinum VIP's in a news post about afterparties is somethang else to think about. As the VIP opportunities at soundcheck is completely irrelevant to the afterparties.

    ....Oh and sorry not everyone could get a cheap VIP pass like you. Perhaps next time you attack people for choosing to do a VIP or afterparty, you shouldn't be so hypocritical as to have purchase one yourself. Especially when you got it at such a cheap price. Yay for you for beating the system. I'm sure you're extremely proud of yourself for managing to do so.

  3. MooMooSaurus avatar

    Cody.. Why are you even in this fanclub if all you do is bitch and moan? Did you think that joining a fanclub where the majority of the people were women would allow you to act like a whining crybaby? Sorry dude but it doesn't work.

    You need to get over yourself and over bashing the Backstreet Boys. Quite frankly, I hope everyone starts reporting you because this the way you behave is absolutely disgusting. How dare you sit there and twist people's words into your own demented view on the world and of our Backstreet Boys. If you don't want to pay or can't afford to pay for any of the opportunities the Backstreet Boys have given us then just move on with your life instead of attacking people who really could live without hearing your opinion on the matter.

    And, yes it IS somethang associated with the clubs. I have been to MANY afterparties and VIP's and never once have had to pay to get into a VIP.. I have managed to get in their myself and let me tell you that the people who are in VIP 95% of the time aren't even there for the Backstreet Boys! They are there because they wanted a night out and that's where they ended up. They pay the $500+ to get their champagne services and everythang else. It has absolutely nothang to do with the boys. If you were able to get your head out of your butt long enough to wake up and use your cognitive abilities to actually know what goes on a club, then you would know what the hell I am talking about.

    Either way dude, if you feel the need to bitch please go to an anger management class or somethang. I am sick and tired of seeing you not have anythang relevant to say about being in this fanclub. Who looks like a bigger fool: A BSB fan who LOVES the band and pays $500 to make their dreams come true, or a pathetic nobody who pays $40 to join a fanclub where all they do is piss on the band and fans and try to get attention? I can assure you everyone in this fanclub would go with the first person.

    That is all I have to say to you.

    For the rest of these people, if Cody continues to post these nasty comments please report him to groundctrl. Action can be taken against people who sit here and bash the boys. It is not the first time he has done this, and will not be the last so please stand up for your rights as a user of this fanclub and ask groundctrl to do somethang to rectify this situation.

  4. erikalynnexrok avatar

    Actually Cody, you should get your facts straight before you bash and yes, what you are doing I would definitely consider it bashing. They've been selling very well on the whole tour. The economy is making a lot of artists cancel dates, so for the boys to be ADDING dates is blessing. As for not having a new tour/cd for a long time, have you not read or seen anything on them talk about it at all in between your negativity? They are going into the studio next month to start recording the CD and have already started planning for the next tour. Calling fans dumb for wanting to meet their idols is also immature and uncalled for. If you don't agree with the price, which btw the boys aren't the ones that choose...it's actually a handful of people, then don't buy it. Wasting your energy complaining about it isn't going to get your anywhere. Lastly, basically stating the boys are money hungry people is CLEARLY saying you don't know the boys at all.

    So whenever you want to post an opinion, at least have the facts correct to base your opinion on.

  5. melanie avatar

    Does anyone know where the after party in Montreal is going to be?

  6. melanie avatar

    Do you know where the after party in Montreal is?

  7. backstreetgirl10 avatar

    not all the member swere even at the aftreparty in winnipeg it was only nick and howie

  8. Cody avatar

    The $500 isn't for the afterparties... Read my post again. It's $500 just to get a pre-signed photo and a picture with them and a tour of backstage at the concert venue. $500 bucks what a joke. Especially when they aren't even selling out half of the seats in the venues at most places. I can almost guarantee this is their last tour/cd for a LONG LONG time. (if not ever). They may do a reunion tour like NKOTB in the way distant future. I just think it's a rip off to charge anyone $500 to really get nothing. I got an Angels & Airwaves VIP for $100 and was ON STAGE during soundcheck, got numerous items signed, got a signed cd and signed poster and got early entry into the venue and it was A LOT better than the lame shit BSB is doing for $500. But hey I can't blame them; when you have people dumb enough to spend $500 to say hi to you, I would do it too. People act like BSB really cares about them and all that BS. It's all about the MONEY. Nick, Brian, Howie and AJ are all saying "SHOW ME THE MONEY".

  9. Shirley avatar

    how come?

  10. Danny avatar

    vancouver's afterparty was the biggest waste of time n money!