1. Helly avatar

    dear Boys: just wanted to mention: You are so funny =) LMFAO

  2. SteffUS avatar

    awesome video :))

  3. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Yeah I saw this video yesterday thanks for letting us know though.lol\
    I love this video, LMAO@ Nick and Howie saying Brian lives outside in the trees cause he's a gnome.lol,This one made me laugh and smile,the boys always know how to do that no matter what,they are so silly and I love it.LMAO@ the poses they did around the mic and they are just to cute for words,AJ's I know your still there watching me to his "I knew God was a Woman" made me laugh,the boys are the best,they know how to have fun when at work and to be serious too.lol

  4. sam_ avatar

    Love the video.

  5. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    Love this video! the boys are hilarious!

  6. Samantha1223 avatar

    LOVE the video!!!! :)

  7. HowieDLover7 avatar

    Don't ask me why I'm using the Boys full names today! I think it's something in the air here in Illinois today. It's sunny, clear and there's NO humidity!! I'm going outside after I watch that video one more time! Seeeeee Yaaaa!

  8. HowieDLover7 avatar

    Ooo, I forgot...Howard, I LOVE your hair! That's a GREAT look on you! (((HUGS)))

  9. HowieDLover7 avatar

    Yeah, I saw it before....ON YOUTUBE! Anyway, I love the vid...and LOL at Alexander James saying, "I knew God was a woman!" LOL!! By the way, Nickolas Gene, keep your fingers OUT of Howard Dwaine's ear! We don't know where those fingers of yours have been! Hehehehe! And Brian Thomas, just what were YOU doing there, bud? *wink* LOL!!! Seriously, I love you guys and I love that you still get along so well after all these years together! You keep me young, you keep me laughing and you keep me SANE!!! ((((HUGS)))) GOTTA GO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!

  10. camila_j avatar

    Cool, tks!

    Ahhh, someone posted at YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE5tf9_iE04 =S