1. SilverMoon avatar

    Lol I own two Black cats so if thats bad luck...meh guess Im screwed LMAO.. @Liliana where are you getting this info about Nick being upset??

  2. Marylou avatar

    I think I'm already with the bad luck stuff. I own a black cat lol. Its great seeing everyone scared of it. haha.

  3. Snowflake avatar

    @erilynnexrok FYI I was just replying to the three people below me who jumped on me just for having an opinion. So I was just defending myself. I've seen people here writing MUCH longer essays, like you rudely affirmed, only for lame things. If you don't want to read my comments, you can just ignore them. No one is forcing you to read them.

    To the post below LOL no one is having a cow over this and there's no need to defend Nick, as no one jumped on him for anything. Stop seeing things that are not there and stop making up stories. What you claim doesn't make me change what I think on the matter. Anyway, keep believing what you want, I'm done with this bullshit.

  4. MooMooSaurus avatar

    its getting closerrrrr.... dun dun dun

    itd be cool if nick had u do some scary bad luck stuff before it since its friday the 13th.. like he made u walk under ladders and put black cats in the theatre.. hehehe

  5. Marylou avatar

    Hmm. Anyway. For those whom are not going we will let you know how it went. For those of you whom are going. LETS PARTY. Wooo...

  6. Liliana Cepa avatar

    so i just wanna throw some info out there for everyone having a cow over this

    nick himself didn't pick the pricing etc. he begged to have it lower & throw in more perks for the fans

    he was so upset at hearing people reactions he wanted to cancel the whole thing

    personally i think it's a bargain i'd pay $80 alone just to meet nick

    don't you think we should be greatful that he's sharing this opportunity with us?

  7. erikalynnexrok avatar

    Just agree to disagree with whoever is not liking how the event will be handled.

    it's really not worth the like 5 page essay you are writing. Kinda pointless.

  8. Snowflake avatar

    First off, I didn't write my post to start an argument with anyone...and why should I shut up? I just shared my point of view, which I am entitled to, as a member of this FC. Just because I happen to have a different opinion from some of you, it doesn't mean that I am being negative. Also, if I didn't care about Nick and his career, I wouldn't even be here wasting my time posting, don't you think lol? I don't want to sound harsh or rude but some of you girls are really childish and naive. I don't get why people who don't agree with everything BSB do, have to be put down for it and be called haters :/ When did I say I hate Nick or any of BSB? Just because I am not an ass kisser like some of you, it doesn't mean that I don't care about them! That's why I rarely share my opinion here anymore.

    @bsblover4ever Actually, I have seen very few comments asking about the movie so far. Most of the comments are only about the pic and people worrying about how many fans will be in it with him. So, you are one of the few who is interested in the short lol. Anyway, that was not my point...people can do whatever they want. What does BSB career and longevity or even NKOTB have anything to do with this lol? BTW, if people still view them "as the typical boyband", it's because THEY themselves keep acting like one! Back on topic, if he really cared about this movie, he would've tried to promot it in a different way, on a larger scale and for a wider audience, not limiting it just to a few die-hard and obsessive fans. How can this be "branching out", if only a few people will see it and it will remain within the BSB fanbase, even if it will probabaly be leaked all over the internet after the screening lol? Plus, just because some of his fans will like it, it doesn't mean that everyone else outside of the fanbase will too (for instance, not everyone like the Backstreet Boys), especially if they won't have the chance to see it. You are contradicting yourself in your post. If he knows that the BSB name can be harmful to his acting career, why does he use it anyway? A new actor doesn't have a name to use to show his talent. Just because he's Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys, it doesn't imply that he can't be humble, can he? Humbleness is the real key to success, even for those who are already famous. No wonder why some singers are not respected and laughed at in the movie industry. It's all about the attitude and the way they present themselves to the general public. It's too easy to use a name. However, he can use his name if he wants, it's just HOW he does it that really matters. He just liked the idea of doing it this way because it's obviously convenient to him. Do you know how many unknown actors, writers and directors are REALLY trying hard to "make it", mainly for the passion, the drive and the love for it, not just for the money? Those are the ones who deserve respect! However, I care about Nick's career and I do beleive he can do better than this, that's why I made my comment but it's obvious that some of you like to put people down just for the heck of it! So, who are the real haters here?

    @Jannis You obviously didn't get my post. I never said I didn't care about the movie, I said that most of his fans only care about seeing Nick NOT the movie. Some of the fans even admitted that they don't like horror movies and that they only go to this screening to see and meet him. I never said that he can't be present for it, why are you putting words in my mouth that I never said? Usually, a movie screening only costs about $10 or even less, especially if it's a short, and sometimes actors are present anyway. People can even be invited for free to attend a screening. This, on the other hand, was planned as a VIP event, which is something completely different. He IS depending on his name by doing it this way. He IS insecure if he has to depend on his fans and use this and his site to promote it! Furthermore, he is not just "updating" people on his site but he is "using" the site to promote the movie by conveniently selling those expensive VIPs. Plus, what does the BSB FC have to do with the promotion of his short, if it's not BSB related at all? Is that not depending on BSB name? Give me a break! I am not being negative, just realistic. I am only seeing it as it is. If you don't like it and prefer to believe in faitytales, it's up to you. That doesn't mean I am wrong and you're right. They're just points of view.

  9. MooMooSaurus avatar

    all the haters need to learn from ke$ha's song and "zip your lip like a padlock"

    blah blah blah....

  10. bsblover4ever avatar

    I completely agree!!!.....so many negative comments, why are you even here then???