1. Jannis avatar

    Maybe you don't care about his film, but a lot of us do. Speak for yourself. I do not see anything wrong with a screening being paired up with an opportunity to meet Nick. It's his screening. Does it not make sense that he be present for it?

    And I don't see how he is insecure and depending on his 'name'. Does it not make sense to update us on his site and this site since he's a part of it? How is he depending on his name? Last time I checked, his birth name is Nick Carter. What other name does he have that he can go by so people like you wouldn't assume he's depending on a 'name'?

    I do not want to come off in any way hostile, but my question is, why does anyone have membership on this website when they harbour negativity towards such events that this membership primarily allows us access to?

  2. bsblover4ever avatar

    @snowflake...actually its not about the pic..although thats a very welcomed perk haha

    This is obviously something that he's worked hard on and I (although I cant speak for everyone), am very interested in seeing the movie! No matter how short it may be! Its about supporting an artist that you love! I don't believe he is using the "bsb title", lets be honest, as much as i love the boys and they're music, its not exactly "popular" or "cool", to be a backstreet boys fan. There are many who still view them as the typical "boy band". Although to them I say, you give me the name of 1, just one other than bsb, who's been around as long as they have and still have a solid career. Don't tell me knotb, because they were gone for over a decade before they did that comeback tour, and where the heck are they now! Very few artists have the longevity that backstreet boys have had!
    This is something different that hes trying out, and he deserves respect for that, not to be told that hes using the bsb title. Nevermind the fact, that he's worked long and hard for that name!!! He is Nick Carter, and why not use that name....its a way to branch out!!! If we as bsb fans go and love it, word gets around....think of any new actor, who gets a role in a huge film. Essentially its the film, the role that got them there, but at the end of the day, its the acting and their contribution to the film that is going to make them famous!!

  3. Snowflake avatar

    Wow, I can't believe that some fans are only interested in taking a picture with Nick rather than to see this little movie...Poor Nick, it's really shame that no one cares about it lol! Also, $80+ to see only a brief SHORT and for a group photo is ludicrous but I guess that's how things work in Backstreet world nowadays. It should be just a movie screening but they turned it into a VIP event (as usual) and people fell for it...but to each their own.

    However, I'm also disappointed in Nick, as this is not BSB related at all and he always talked about going independent and wanted to have a serious acting career and still he decided to depend on his "name" with this thing, which only shows that he is very insecure and is afraid of non-fans' opinions or that he really doesn't care much about this, so he has to depend only on his fans' approval, which like everything he does (even if it's not good at all) and don't seem to care at all about the movie but only about taking a picture with him. I find it really sad and a little shallow, that's all (no offense intended to anyone in particular).

    I only want to add that a movie, even if it's just a short, is something for EVERYONE to enjoy, not only a few die-hard fans, so I'm not sure that this is a good career move for him, so if it won't be a success I won't be surprised at all...but I guess people don't care about that. After all, nothing seems to ever be normal in BSB world lol.

  4. aleskywalker avatar

    @ Erika Now that's scary!!!!!!! :|

  5. erikalynnexrok avatar

    Friday the 13th with Nick & a horror film! mwahahaha!

  6. Jannis avatar

    I have an extra ticket too and I still don't know who I'm gonna take yet! I should have just bought one ugh.

  7. John Dinh Nguyen avatar

    Hey guys,

    I have one extra ticket that I am selling. If you guys are interested buying, message me. Tickets will be pick up at the theatre box office the day of the screening.

    Let me know if you guys want to buy it off from me. :)

  8. bsblover4ever avatar

    I like the idea of taking nick out to the bars LOL

  9. bsblover4ever avatar

    Ahh soo excited!!!!Only a week away.....absolutely stupid to call us all crazy. I hate jealous people haha

  10. nicksbabe28 avatar

    I wish this was in the UK......
    Have fun and enjoy for all the lucky fans who can make it :)