1. Mini Ro avatar

    Cant wait to see Micheal again!! Such a nice guy!!! :)

  2. Kizzle3 avatar

    I say take nick out with his Bodyguard haha Michael is a cutie and super nice hes Q's brother!!

  3. Febia avatar

    Wish I could go.....have fun all who r goin....:-)

  4. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    hahaha Cinz Yay! the girls and I were wondering if you were going or not. I will see you there.

  5. Cinzia avatar

    Alright peeps, I broke down.

    I just came back from vacation and was debating whether to go to this or not. (soooo, sooo tempting).
    Then I was thinking that I would have to take a half day at work to go and I wasn't sure if I wanted to use more vacation time (need it for the cruise!).
    I have flex days (for the first time) this summer...every other Friday afternoon off. The girl who covers me came down today and said she can't this week and could we switch weeks with next week.
    I took that as my sign.

    So, what's another $80 to be in debt?

    See you ladies there!

    So excited! What time are you all thinking of going? Right at 6pm? A couple of hours early? I finish work at 1pm and have to trek from Hamilton.


  6. Marylou avatar

    LOL sure. But if he has cute bodygaurds then at least I am taking one with me. haha

  7. SilverMoon avatar

    OR to call us even crazier we can drag Nick bar hoping WITHOUT his bodyguard LMAO

  8. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    Holy crap guys! I'm gone from FC for a week and there's all this drama going on. LOL, so here's my take on this: this girl is psycho and needs to get a real hobby.

    DONE! :)

  9. Marylou avatar

    haha to even call all of us even more crazy, we should hop to bars after the event is done, and take Nick and his bodyguards with us. hahaha

  10. Kizzle3 avatar

    Hey seriously i do work at a mental health centre and will offer help to anyone who needs it