1. MooMooSaurus avatar

    and i agree.. its messed up to be rude to ppl for paying the price.. i wouldnt pay the price either but people can make their own decisions and you need to learn to respect that instead of insulting people... especially when your profile says what it does...

  2. MooMooSaurus avatar

    im really surprised its not sold out yet

  3. SilverMoon avatar

    That last msg was at Iloveubsb27 btw

  4. SilverMoon avatar

    Wow sorry but I just read your profile, you are sitting there insulting us for spending 80 bucks when you are spending over $1000 on two platinum vips!!!???@@@?? Sorry but who the hell who do you think you are to judge us like that when you are even more insane yourself...seriously you need to think before you speak to people like that.

  5. Ashley avatar

    Totally agree with SilverMoon. I have never been to an event like this before, and it's happening in our own backyard. You better believe I'll be there! Like you said, it's all about the experience. Nothing more and nothing less.

  6. SilverMoon avatar

    You know what...why don't you watch how you talk to us..NONE of us knew it was that short when we bought our tickets and who cares, its still a once in a life time experience. There are hundreds of people paying $520 for platinum vips...and look at the cruise. It's all for the experience and there is no need to go insulting anyone. I know I will have a blast regardless of the length of the film.

  7. JenLovesBsB28 avatar

    you guys are nuts to pay that much for a friggin 15 minutes film a copy of this film and a "Group" photo with Nick!!! YOU ALL NEED TO BE PUT INTO A MENTAL INSTITUTION!!!!

  8. Clau Carter avatar

    sounds amazing! I hope to see it someday!

  9. Krys0404 avatar

    I can't wait!! See you all there :)

  10. Chryssa_NC avatar

    I WANNA BE THEEEEERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(((( Have fun everyone!