1. Lindsey_BSB&AJLover avatar

    oh my gosh, i i got tickets! i didnt think the show was still on either but so glad it is and so glad they are going to be there!!!

  2. Clau Carter avatar

    I've never seen it and now, I'd love to see it!

  3. Casie avatar

    *sigh* if only I lived in CA. When the show first came out i actually thought about how cool it would be if they were there! How funny :)

  4. melinda avatar

    This would be fun but I can't take the whole day off work for it. I think it would be hilarious to see Nick as a contestant because he's just so cute and goofy! Catch wait to watch it on TV!

  5. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    I didnt think this show was on anymore...Are they going to be on here or something?

  6. BSBgirl337 avatar

    Wow, it's 4-5 hours. I wish they told you that before you signed up. I don't think I can go. I need to go to another event at 1:00 :( So excited for George Lopez though, and I'll DVR it!!

  7. TeArra avatar

    Like I said earlier pretty sure they're contestants. Former Idol contestant Elliott Yamin has recently tweeted this week he's been invited to play for charity. His episode tapes the day before. So my guess is there will be a celebrity week.

    I say it'd be worth to attend. Seems like it'd be fun. If the taping wasn't so early I'd go! haha

  8. Sarahhh avatar

    4-5 hours! Wow I don't think I could sit in one place for more than an hour. Have fun!! @ all ppl going.

  9. GreenEyez707 avatar

    I know. Really wanna know what the boys will be doing on the show. Since I would be driving from Santa Rosa!!

  10. Lady.Guenevere avatar

    is this worth missing work and driving from San Diego...? please reveal what the Boys will be doing...