1. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    Caitlin, just call grnd ctrl. They will tell you exactly what you purchased!

  2. smily_bsb avatar

    still no email confirmation. ill give it till tmr i guess, n if still nada by then, imma try calling grdctrl again

  3. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    I had the same problem talked to someone on the phone they fixed the problem and just got the first email confirmation. I checked my order status on Nick carter.net and one says fullfilled and one says refunded. so one of them the money will go back on the card with in 3 to 5 business days.
    So i am glad about that,I had problems getting it to go through and apparently it did go through the first time. good thing people at ground ctrl are nice people there and help out. thanks guys.

  4. blow_your_mind avatar

    @matt i think i ended up getting 2 sets of tickets cause it said order can't be found on my first try so i did it again and now i have 2 orders on my account... :S can you take one off.. i only want 3 tickets thank you so much!

  5. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    Jess lmao holy bazooka is right no way i was paying that 900 buck haha their nuts if they thought i was. I kept trying after every1 said to and ended up with like 5 sets of tix lol

  6. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    thanks for putting my mind at ease! lol

  7. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    Jess I called GC and talked to a really nice guy he gave me our confirmation # and said it was deff. 2 tix
    Dont stress...I got an email too lol

  8. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    see you there Jenn

  9. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    get out! holy bazooka Steph! good thing you got that all cleared up.

  10. cdn_grl_luvs_bsb avatar

    i got an confirmation email before my order went through......but hope it all works out for everyone