1. blow_your_mind avatar

    lol ya.. i called my mom cause she has the same feeling with paul mcartney i was like "mom i need your opinion on something lol" she told me that paul did the same thing and then ended up at the end not taking pictures with the people he just came into the back of the theatre did a little wave thank you and then ran out... so she was like i don't know what to tell you cause you will build it up so much and be let down.... so cap is 200 hoping for less cause i don't know if im happy with that cap lol and i know one of my friends wouldn't be able to come with me if it was that and i don't want to leave her behind..

  2. Mini Ro avatar

    if its more than 200$ then it'll be a rip off... i mean its a movie in which he isnt playing he is only producing so come on haha... a VIP is 200$ and we have the 4 of them and they sing and answer questions haha... but honestly haha it would surprise me ... i dont think nothing surprises me anymore with our fav. boys

  3. blow_your_mind avatar

    so i think i have put my cap at 200 so fingers crossed it iwll be below that im sure it won'tbe but here's hoping! if anything we can stand outside the theatre right? lol

  4. Anik avatar

    My pleasure! :)

  5. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    Thank you Anik for the info!

  6. Mini Ro avatar

    i heart you Anik :-)
    Well thats not bad at all.... i was thinking like 100-150 person max. woohooo for 397

  7. Mini Ro avatar

    we had front row for pretty much all of the shows we are doing and lost them all :( ... but im glad i still have good tix and that im going...

    As for the screening, alot of ppl will be disappointed because you can only put so much person in a theatre unfortunately... It'll be expensive for sure..
    Good luck to everyone...

  8. Anik avatar

    UPDATE: I just called the Royal Theatre and the capacity is 397 seats. :)

  9. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    Thats tough! It's horrible when you are on a budget.

  10. blow_your_mind avatar

    ya im trying to find my limit but hey it's a for sure picture with nick lol i just hope its not too many girls in the picture... bahhh i don't know what to do... one of my friends says she will pay anything and then another is on a budget so lol i have the 2 extremes and i don't want to leave somoen out of it...