1. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    Yea I know what you mean Cait. Everyone had that problem when the tix for Toronto went on sale. It was just a disaster. Here's definitely hoping that we all have better luck this time around.

    The price of this screening is scaring me. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and experience but I dont want it to bruise the wallet! lol. Decisions decisions!

  2. blow_your_mind avatar

    lol ya dittto... i was really looking forward to sleeping in today but that didn't happen lol got up at 7 with my b/f when he went to work and here i have been sitting ever since lol friiiiig comon eddie.. its such a nice day i would like to enjoy it!! lol

    will they be going on sale today for sure? cause that would be great since i have today off... tomorrow not so much luck lol

  3. blow_your_mind avatar

    oh i know i was thinking the same thing... i had front row seats for the toronto show in my cart and the site crashed i was soooo mad... i got 6th row but still lol when you know that you had 1st row hurts a little lol

    ya im trying to figure out where i should draw the line for price lol i need to think it's only going to happen once kinda thing but at the same time i need to be able to pay my bills lol

  4. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    I hope we get info soon! I'm putting off all other things I had planned today for this! Ohh dear sweet and kind Eddie, please help a girl out! :)

  5. Mini Ro avatar

    haha yeah i really want to go go.. my guess is 100-150$ but i could be wrong haha... I just hope they are ready and that the system wont crash this time around... ive seen it crash to many times... :(

  6. blow_your_mind avatar

    someone just said there are 450 seats in the theatre so that's more than i thought there would be makes me feel a little bit better lol

  7. blow_your_mind avatar

    ya and when the put extremely in caps that doesn't give me a good feeling lol so fingers crossed now that i have made up my mind that im going (still kinda depending on price lol) i reallly want to get a ticket lol

  8. Mini Ro avatar

    awwwww im sorry about your picture. I'm sure you'll get a chance to have another one sometime soon. I dont know how many tickets will be available. How many person can fit in a theatre?? not that many :S

  9. blow_your_mind avatar

    me to this could be my chance to get a good picture with nick lol cause i haven't had much luck in that.. not so much liking my blurry picture with my eyes closed lol booo epic fail on my part.... i wonder how many tickets are available...

  10. Mini Ro avatar

    Good for you!! Glad you got your membership!!! :-) ... Yeah ticket price and all the other info. Eddie tweeted me last night saying we'll know this morning well AM PST time so i guess around noon here. They were still waiting on some info last night. Hopefully it works out for everyone.