1. Jannis avatar

    Yeahhhhhh I'm so there! Let the 2010 BSB stalking begin!!!

  2. Jannis avatar

    Why can't I become a member?!! I'm using the exact email and password from here!!!! Omg I'm going nuts!!!!!!

  3. Vanessah avatar

    you don't need to be a member. just click on the link above where it says TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE HERE. you can use your login from here to sign in when it asks you.

  4. bsblover4ever avatar

    ahhh....its not even letting me become a member!!! can someone please help me :(

  5. bsblover4ever avatar

    i thought u didnt have to be a nickcarter,net member.....ahh why isnt it working! can someone tell me what i need to do!! lol

  6. frackstar5 avatar

    ohhhhh, i would totally go if i were still living in Rochester, NY. It would be an easy drive! :(

  7. Michelle avatar

    i wish i could go too but im in the UK!!!!

  8. Michelle_xoxo avatar

    I can't post over on the Nick Carter news page, but everyone keeps asking about the number of tickets being sold. Everyone should look at your order number. I got 3 sets of tickets with 3 different order numbers. There are at least 100 orders between my first at 7:01 and my last which was about 7:10 at the latest. Say everyone in between got 1 ticket, thats at least 100 tickets. Some may have gotten 2 or even more. However, some could have been duplicate orders. I know 1 of my orders was a duplicate. They are probably selling at least 200 to 250 tickets to this thing. If not more.

  9. Clau Carter avatar

    this is so cool. I wish I could go. I hope to see it soon.

  10. Nickely avatar

    waoooo como me gustaria ir

    disfruten chicas las que vayan!!!